Telegram has more than 200 million active users and it’s growing rapidly with about 60 million new users joining every month.

Telegram(纸飞机下载) channels are used by many businesses to promote their brand and services. A channel is a dedicated place for discussion about specific topics, where people can connect and share information. This guide will show you how to find out what statistics your channel has (such as a total number of subscribers), as well as how many new subscribers you have gained recently, how many posts you publish per day, and more!

The total number of subscribers in your channel

The number of subscribers who have been active in the last 30 days.

The number of subscribers who have been active in the last 90 days.

The number of subscribers who have been active in the last 12 months.

Posts published in the channel for the last 30 days

The number of posts published in the channel for the last 30 days.

The number of posts published in the channel for the last 30 days compared to the previous 30 days.

The number of posts published in the channel for the last 30 days compared to the number of subscribers.

New subscribers gained in the channel for the last 30 days

On the stats page, you can see the number of new subscribers gained in the channel for the last 30 days and how many invitations have been sent out.

For example, if you had 10 new subscribers during this period, but also sent out 20 invitations to subscribe (perhaps because of a promotion), then your “Gained %” would be 50% (i.e., 5/10).

New posts published in the channel for the last 30 days

This is a great way to see how your channel’s content is performing. You can see the number of posts published, their average views, replies, and likes per post.

You can also get an idea of what type of content resonates with your audience by looking at the average comments per post.

-You can see which videos are performing best. You can also identify new content ideas by seeing what types of videos your audience is engaging with.

Average views per post for the last 30 days

Average views per post for the last 30 days:


This number is an average of your posts’ views divided by their number. It’s a good indicator of how many subscribers are reading your channel’s posts since it doesn’t take into account any unread messages or views from bots or spammers.

This number is an average of your posts’ views divided by their number. It’s a good indicator of how many subscribers are reading your channel’s posts since it doesn’t take into account any unread messages or views from bots or spammers.

Number of new subscriptions/number of subscription invitations sent

The subscription rate is the number of new subscribers divided by the number of invitations sent. It’s a measure of channel popularity and an indicator of how well your channel is doing.

As you can see, our subscription rate is currently 12%. This means that for every 100 invitations we send out, 12 people subscribe to our channel.

You may be wondering why there is a difference between the subscription rate and the conversion rate. The answer lies in the fact that YouTube has counted all of the people who clicked on an invitation to your channel but did not subscribe to it. This means that if someone clicked on one of your invitations and then decided to watch some of your videos, they would still be counted as a subscriber—even though they’re not one.Telegram官网

To sum up

In conclusion, I hope that this article has provided you with some insight into the different ways in which you can measure your Telegram channel statistics. The most important thing is to use the tools available to you, pay attention to what they tell us about how our communities are growing and shrinking over time, and adjust accordingly!